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Mini Silky Fainting Goats
Myotonic Goats

Available Kids Updated 12-03-2024
Available Does, Bucks & Wethers Updated 12-03-2024
Check out our selected pairings FOR 2025 KIDS Under Breeding Pairs Tab
We are a small 5 acre farm located in Northern Utah, raising Mini Silky and Myotonic Goats for Show, Breeding stock and Pets. Stone Man Farm is a Registered Breeder with Mini Silky Fainting Goat Association (MSFGA) & Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Herd tested yearly for CAE, CL and JOHNES to ensure the health of our herd and yours!
Last tested 06/26/2024
Our goal is to improve and produce show quality offspring for future generations and also offer a variety of pets for your enjoyment.

How We Named Our Farm
When we moved to our homestead in 2017 there was a lot of debating about what we wanted to name our farm; We had several ideas, but they never felt “right”. Then one day my Husband announced, “I got it, STONE MAN FARM!” as he pointed out the outline of Thatcher Mountain behind our property. When you see it in person, with just the perfect angle of the Sun, and shadows of the out cropping rock formations, it certainly does look like a mans profile, looking towards the East. So now you know! So, if you do make a visit, don’t forget to take a look, and see if you see him too!
Long Live Stone Man Farm


Located in Northern Utah.
On-site visitation is welcomed, contact us to make an appointment!!!
Tel: 916-300-4438
Mon - Fri: 10am - 4pm
Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed
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